Annotated Bibliography
I. Chinese Version
- 秦夢群 (2004) 。教育概論 Introduction to Education。教育心理學概述 (頁146) 。台北:高等教育。
This chapter focuses on the relationship between educational psychology and education. They ask for why (why do we need educational psychology), what (what is educational psychology), and how (how are we going to apply educational psychology for teaching field).
- 戴明國 (2005)。教育原理制度與實務 The Fundamental, System, and Practice of Education。教育的心理學原理基礎 (頁 73)。台北:高等教育。
This chapter delves into the relationship among learning, the stages of individual development, and education.
- 張春興 (2005)。張春興主編世紀心理學叢書12,教育心理學-三化取向的理論與實踐-。認知發展與教育 (頁84) 。台北:東華。
Psychologists consider that if we adults want to teach children the knowledge, we ought to first understand how they learn the knowledge; and if we want to teach children to think, we must firstly understand children's thinking process. Otherwise, we will get half the results with double the effort.
- 張春興 (2005)。張春興主編世紀心理學叢書12,教育心理學-三化取向的理論與實踐-。認知心理學的學習理論 (頁210)。台北,東華。
II. English Version
- Jeremy Harmer, 2004 how to Teach English-An introduction to the practice of English language teaching, How to teach reading? p. 68. Longman.
a. why teach reading?
b. what kind of reading should students do?
c. waht reading skills should students acquire?
d. what are the principles behind the teaching of reading?
e. what do reading sequences look like?
f. more reading suggestions.
- Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg, 2004 Teaching English to Children, Reading. p. 49. LONGMAN KEYS TO LANGUAGE TEACHING.
Just as listening is the main source of language when pupils start to learn a language, print is the second main source. As pupils become better and better in the foreign language, the printed word becomes the main source of expanding and strengthening the language. Reading is also the language skill which is easiest to keep up - many of us can still read in a foreign language that we used to be able to speak as well. Books open up other worlds to young children, and making reading an enjoyable activity is a very important part of the language learning experience.
- Carol Lynch-Brown, Carl M. Tomlinson, 2005 Essentials of CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, Learning about Children and Their Literature.
Many teachers and librarians believe that regular involvement with excellent and appropriate literature can foster language development in young children and can help them to learn to read and to value reading.
- Carol Lynch-Brown, Carl M. Tomlinson, 2005 Essentials of CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, Picture Books-Graphic Novels. p.84
Graphic novels are popular with middle and high school students, and are beginning to be written for elementary-grade students. Reluctant readers especially enjoy having these books as a reading option. Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned by Judd Winick, a biography, is an example of a graphic novel appropriate for middle and high school students.
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